10 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writing Prompts to Get Your Creativity FlowingAre you stuck in a creative rut? Is your well of inspiration as dry as a pond in the Sahara desert? Do you feel like you have a brilliant…May 19, 2021May 19, 2021
Published inPoetryforyou30 day poetry challenge: Final thoughtsFirst of all, I apologise for posting this a lot later than I said I would.Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
Published inPoetryforyou30 day poetry challenge: day 28Inspiration (or lack of it)Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Published inPoetryforyou30 day poetry challenge: day 27Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021