30 day poetry challenge: day 21

Everything you need to know
Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2021



Warm water sprints down my tired face,

Down my chest, legs, puddles at my feet,

Droplets gathering like a group of skiers after a black run,

And draining the tension from my body.

They drain the stress and hurt like leeches,

Feeding on them,

Ridding my me of the badness of the day

And preparing me for sweet dreams.

My dark thoughts are filtered out,

Cleansed from my mind like the dirt from my body,

Leaving only the good thoughts behind.

When I step out of the shower, then,

I am left with a body lethargic,

A mind cleansed and a soul revived.

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For more poems, go to 30 day poetry challenge.

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